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The Short Game- Lessons from Inside 100 Yards by the Best Golfers in History
商品訊息描述: The second book from Golf Channel analyst and author of the New York Times bestseller The Anatomy of Greatness, Brandel Chamblee examines the best uses of the short game throughout the history of golf.
It’s no secret that the short game is the key to any golfer’s score. It’s the part of the game where the most strokes are saved and where the amateur, who may lack the professional’s distance and consistency with the longer clubs, can be just as good as the legends of the game. Now Golf Channel analyst and former PGA Tour professional Brandel Chamblee reveals the commonalities between the best short games in history.
The New York Times said, “Chamblee has an artist’s way with words.” In this full-color illustrated instructional book, he shows us how we can easily incorporate his findings into our own short games, from chipping and putting to pitching and bunker play. The result is like having a series of private lessons from the best golfers of all time, and it will make the game easier and more fun for all of us.
- 作者: Chamblee, Brandel
- 原文出版社:Simon & Schuster
- 出版日期:2020/04/01
- 語言:英文
The Short Game- Lessons from Inside 100 Yards by the Best Golfers in History
美國參議院軍事委員會日前表決通過「參院版 2019 財政年度國防授權法草案」,草案內容 6 日正式對外公開,要求美軍適當參加台灣軍演,像是年度漢光演習。國防部今(7)日表示感謝。
國軍漢光 34 號演習今日上演重頭戲,在台中清泉崗基地舉行反空( 機 )降作戰演練。國防部發言人陳中吉表示,感謝美國國會對中華民國擔任區域和平維護者角色的重視,只要能維護中華民國國家角色、讓區域穩定,並對和平助益有所提升,相關的軍事交流都樂觀其成,他說,這也是國防部的一貫立場。
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